
We are an all-volunteer organization that raises money for the Livermore Public Library by selling donated materials in our Bookstore, located in the Civic Center Library. By volunteering a few hours a week you can not only help the library and enrich the community, but also meet new people who share your enjoyment of reading.

Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age to work in the bookstore or book sorting. Bookstore volunteers are responsible for the sale of books over a 2½ hour shift. They enjoy working with the public and have a general knowledge of the reading public’s interest. Book sorting volunteers work behind the scenes to select materials for sale in the Bookstore.  As such, the sorting team must also have a general knowledge of the reading public’s interests, be able to stand for several hours, and some lifting is required.  Training for both volunteer positions is provided.  We are unable to accommodate short-term volunteering for Community Service fulfillment.

To volunteer, complete and submit the following form: